interarms rifle model 22 long rifle

Marlin 22 Long Rifle Ruger 10/22 Deluxe Sporter Model Rimfire.
This rifle dated May 30, 1911 with serial number: 674425. Does anyone know the history of this model? It is well made and in great shape. Keith
interarms rifle model 22 long rifle
Winchester MODEL 06 .22 SHORT-LONG Or.
Long-Gun | Rifle Savage Model 25 Pump. Remington Model 552 BDL DLX Speedmaster.
Squires Bingham Model 20 .22 Long Rifle.

ShopWiki has 43 results for Ruger 10/22 Deluxe Sporter Model Rimfire Autoloading Rifle .22 Long Rifle American Walnut Stock Blued Finish, including Supressors Vol 2
Remington Model 552 BDL DLX Speedmaster.
The Remington 552 Speedmaster has a combined richly blue carbon steel barrel with a stock of generously checkered, high gloss American walnut. Other f
Phoenix Arms Model HP 22 22 long rifle cal. Auto Pistol Ser. # 4108753 with 3 mags, extra barrel and case from Proxibid, Inc.
interarms rifle model 22 long rifle
22 Long Rifles for SaleI had made a topic about me trading my uncle my guitar and accessories for his I have the Armscor Model 20C carbine - same gun basically,with a stock obviously